1 posts categorized "Threadneedles Hotel"

June 07, 2013

Kathryn and Romuald Jewish Wedding at The Royal Exchange, London

I met Kathryn and Romuald in autumn last year, but I had already had the opportunity to run across Kathryn at her friend's wedding in 2010. As a matter of fact, this is how they found me.

We met right next to the place where the ceremony was to be held (The Royal Exchange). A beautiful, 16th century building of the London Stock Exchange. But it was not the end of good news. In addition it turned out that the wedding would be held in Jewish rite. Exactly what I liked: tradition, dance, music.  Part of the preparation took place "just behind the corner" in Threadneedles Hotel, and finished at The Royal Exchange.

A few words about the place. It is a space open on daily basis with a small shopping arcade on the ground floor and offices on higher floors. The interior courtyard allows for much freedom in the arrangement and decoration of the place. One can easily prepare 150+ seats for guests on one side and still leave enough room for the dance floor and music band. It's impossible to describe the way the place presents itself in the photos, and its huge potential, you just need to see it.

I brought about 3000 photos from the whole day. After a careful selection, 720 ones were left, and I did not have the heart to make the final selection of 300 photos. Kathryn received over 700 photos, and not only because she had chosen a beautiful place for her wedding. That day was simply full of everything: from the preparations, through the ceremony itself, dancing, speeches, singing, to the photo session outside the Royal Exchange (it turned out wonderful, even the buses came as I wanted them to). The day was perfect from the beginning to the end. Also owing to Kathryn's, Romuald's and their families' great nature – full of warmth, cordiality and smile. Wherever I pointed my camera I had the impression that everyone is on holiday that day – full relaxation and relief.

Time passes quickly and 5th May 2013 is history. Below you can find my story from that beautiful day. Enjoy.



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